New Horizons vs Voyager

October 14, 2021

New Horizons versus Voyager

In the history of space missions, there have been many successful spacecraft that have explored our solar system and beyond. Two of the most iconic missions are the Voyager and New Horizons missions, both of which brought incredible insight into the outer reaches of our solar system. But how do they compare, and what have they achieved over their respective missions?

A Brief History

Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are part of NASA's Voyager program. Their primary mission was to explore the outer planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. More than 40 years after their launch, both spacecraft are still going strong, providing groundbreaking data that helped shape our understanding of the outer solar system.

On the other hand, New Horizons is a spacecraft launched by NASA's Planetary Science Division in 2006, designed to study Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. After a 9.5-year voyage, it became the first spacecraft to fly by Pluto in July 2015.

Speed and Distance Traveled

During its mission, Voyager 1 has traveled over 14.3 billion miles from the sun as of 2021, while Voyager 2 has traveled over 11.8 billion miles, becoming the only spacecraft to have visited all four gas giant planets. Currently, Voyager 1 is traveling at a speed of 38,000 mph relative to the sun, while Voyager 2 lags a bit behind at a speed of 34,000 mph.

On the other hand, as of September 2021, New Horizons has traveled over 4.45 billion miles, reaching a top speed of approximately 36,373 miles per hour. While both spacecraft are impressive in their own right, Voyager's longer mission time means it has traveled farther than New Horizons.

Size and Equipment Differences

Voyager measures 3.6 meters in height, whereas New Horizons is much smaller at just 1.8 meters. Voyager carries a suite of 11 scientific instruments, including magnetometers, ultraviolet spectrometers, and imaging devices. In contrast, New Horizons includes just seven scientific payloads, including cameras, spectrometers, and particle detectors.


While both missions have contributed greatly to our understanding of the Solar System and beyond, Voyager and New Horizons have different focuses and goals. Voyager's mission was to explore the outer planets, while New Horizons was designed specifically to study Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. Despite the differences in their missions, both spacecraft have made groundbreaking discoveries and will continue to do so.


  1. NASA
  2. NASA

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